Maximum 16 extension modules.
It doesn't and it can support EtherCAT, CANopen,Ethernet and Modbus.
Supposing the register in MODRW is D0, then D1 and D0 are respectively high 4 bit and low 4 bit, if we want to write 70,000, firstly we change 70,000 to hexadecimal 16#11170, then move 16#1 to D1 and 16#1170 to D0.
In Auto Station top menu - 'Tool' - 'check power supply capacity', after input the type of main module and extension module, it can calculate the power supply of 5V and 24V automatically.
It should use MODRW instruction to write or read the data via modbus communication.
Firstly we need to check the error code in Auto Station(PLC info), and take measures mentioned in the manual for each error code, if necessary, we can try to format PLC.
IVC1L, IVC2 and IVC3 series PLC can support, but IVC1S cannot support this function.
It can set 4x700=1 to save the value or use the retained registers in HMI.
Sometimes it can read the value of data(6041h bit10), but sometimes it cannot, what can be the reason?
Modify the CANopen settings in PLC: change send PDO as synchronous, receive PDO as asynchronous, and heartbeat time sets as 0 or 200ms above(this value cannot set too small).
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