

A Marathon for INVT Group 15 Years Anniversary

Release time:2020-03-16 Click amount: 2267

If something can stop people to go outside, it must include the bad weather.

If there is anything can stop the step for INVT to go forward? The answer is no.

On March 19th, 2017, the Marathon, as one activity of INVT 15th anniversary, was held in Shenzhen bay where was raining all day long.

The applause is louder than the passionate music; youth dance cheers for the warriors.

Under the shouting and waving a banner of Mr.Huang, the president of INVT group, hundreds of athletes ruse into the rain and run toward the future.

Raincoat? Take it off! We have a steel body!

The spirit of INVT is passed down from generation to generation.

Fast forward!

We are so proud of being a member of INVT.

INVT is 15 years old in 2017.

INVT is going to have a celebration on April 16th. Say "Happy birthday " to INVT!

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