Anti-shake and Anti-vibration Demo System

Release time:2023-11-03
Click amount: 932


DA180A, TS600 series


* This system consists of INVT's new servo DA180A and new PLC TS600series;
* The motion principle is that the PLC TS635 controls two servos DA180A,running back and forth on rails A and B separately. The servo on rail Bperforms the anti-shake and anti-vibration function, while the servo on rail A doesn't perform the function;

* Running at the same time, one shakes violently, the other remains still dueto the special suppression algorithm of low-frequency vibration of DA180Aservo, which can effectively overcome mechanical resonance and suppresses vibration at the end of machines with long swing arms;

* Such anti-shake and anti-vibration functions can be widely used in high-speed movement, precise assembly,work piece displacement, devicevibration, liquid transportation, hanging object shaking, cantilever shakingand other similar applications.


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