Abstract: This paper mainly presents INVT IVC1S series PLC used with RS485 communication with HMI and servo driver to make folding the final cloths. In this project HMI use for data feeding and monitoring of the process.
Keywords: IVC1 PLC, HMI, DA200 servo Drive, Textile and RS485 communication.
1. Introduction
The major section of this Fabric, Servo, HMI, PLC, AC drive etc.
1) Fabric: This machine used for fabric folding, in old system mechanical gear system used and in new system gear replace with servo system.
2) Servo: Servo drive use for fabric forward and reverse movement. In this system we face major problem for direction changes, also face issue of regeneration and RPM reached at maximum levels. PPR adjust and result achieved.
3) PLC: In this system PLC very important for high-speed control functions, 100kZ output used for servo speed control and basic operations also executed through PLC.
4) HMI: In automation industry HMI most of the time use for data feeding and operation monitoring. Here 4.3inch HMI model use for speed and basic function settings.
5) Process: In this application fabrics loaded through loader and folded through servo mechanism, length calculation also function working in parallel.
Figure – Fabric folding machine
2. Project information and Solution
Figure – Machine front view and trial setup
* Project information
1. In this application different types of fabrics folding process can executes
2. PLC: IVC1S-0806MAT, transistor outputs for servo operation
3. Here 3kw servo used for forward and reverse movement for folding mechanism
4. Maximum speed tested with 2500 PPR setting in P0.22
5. Manual remote panels given for data feeding and access
6. In PLC different type of cycle selection and execution function provide
7. VS series HMI use for data setting, monitoring and recipe function purpose.
* INVT solution
Product | Specification/Model | Quantity |
PLC | IVC1-0806MAT | 1 |
HMI | VS-043FE | 1 |
Servo Drive | SV-DA200-3R0-4-E0 | 1 |
Servo Motor | SV-MM18-3R0B-4-1A0 | 1 |
* System commissioning
Figure – Machine front view and HMI setup
Figure – Panel photo of folding machine
3. Advantages and benefits
• In old system manually hand made folding system uses after that mechanical based folding system prefer in all markets. Now servo based installed and got better result with high speed.
• This solution is cost effective and easily we can implement where cost issue compares to other system
• Accuracy too much high and speed also maintain as standard
• PLC and servo execution through pulse mode of operations.
4. Conclusion
As per study and application execution, these industries multiple type of machines for folding. We achieved result through implementation of simple cost-effective model of IVC series PLC. This application very useful for home as well as industrial product manufacturing.
5. Future Scope
In this application we execute our system with 1 axis servo system without absolute mode. These types of application are popular and we provide best solution with minimum price. This type of system we can implement in many industries.
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